Izložba radova na papiru
Autor Rajib Bhattacharjee
otvaranje izložbe u UTORAK, 12. 6. 2012. u 19h
izložba traje do 23. juna 2012.
Tadeuša Košćuška 28, Beograd
Indijski umetnik srednje generacije, Radžib Bhatačardži je u svom multimedijalnom radu (slikarstvo, crtež, kaligrafija, film) inspirisan temama iz njegovog okruženja.
Naglo širenje grada, urbanizacija i nestanak zemlje je nešto što pogađa celu planetu.
Ipak ovo menjanje obrisa zemlje je najviše izraženo u velikim prostranstvima, širokim horizontima na koje se naše oko naviklo.
Radžiba kao savremenog umetnika dotiču izmene koje nosi današnja civilizacija, a takođe i socijalni problemi. U njegovim apstraktnim, ekspresionističkim slikama nema ljudske figure, samo obrisi nečeg što je bilo pre i posle delovanja čoveka. Snažna crna linija dolazi iz inspiracije kineskom kaligrafijom. Jak kolorit naglašava raskoš stvorene stvarnosti koju treba da sačuvamo onakvom kakva ona jeste. Ta koloristička raskoš je i deo umetnikovog unutrašnjeg sveta, i očigledno ovi svetovi nisu odvojeni. Ono što se vidi unutrašnjim i spoljašnjim okom je jedan stvoreni svet, koji ako se sačuva u svojoj pravoj prirodi, u čistoti, može da izgleda kao slike i crteži Radžiba Bhatačardžia.
Indian artist Rajib Bhattacharjee, in his multimedia art work (painting, drawing, calligraphy, film) is inspired by themes from his surroundings.
The rapid expansion of cities, urbanization and the loss of land is something that affects the entire planet.
However, this changing of the contours of the land is most visible in large open spaces and wide horizons to which our eyes are accustomed.
Rajib as a contemporary artists is affected by the changes that occur in today's civilization, as well as by social problems.
In his abstract expressionist paintings there are no human figures, only the outline of something that existed before and exists after man’s intervention.
The strong black line is inspired by Chinese calligraphy. Strong colors highlight the richness of a created reality that should be preserved as it is. The colorist splendor is also a part of the artist's inner world, and obviously these are not separate worlds.
What you see with your internal and external eye is one created world. If that world is preserved in its real nature and purity, it can resemble the paintings and drawings of Rajib Bhattacharjee.
Olivera Gavrić Pavić
art critic
member of aica ( international association of art critics )
U apstrahovanim radovima Radžiba Bhatačardžija su površine svetlih, živih boja ispresecane debelim, crnim, linijama koje se uglavnom seku pod pravim uglom. One asociraju na arhitektonske forme koje se šire agresivno prekrivajući naše prirpdno okruženje. Upravo na to umetnik želi da skrene pažnju. Radžib je u svom radu inspirisan kineskom kaligrafijom, kao i slikarstvom Rabindranata Tagora. Time se nadovezuje na umetnicku tradiciju Bengala.
In the abstract works of Rajib Bhattacharjee the surfaces made up of bright, vivid colors are interspersed by thick black lines that mostly intersect at right angles.
They remind us of the architectural forms that spread aggressively to cover our environment.
That is what the artist wanted to draw our attention to.
In his work. Rajib is inspired by Chinese calligraphy and the painting of Rabindranath Tagore. In this way he follows the artistic traditions of Bengal.
Ivan Pavić
chief conservator at national museum of serbia ...